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    Profile picture of Asitissoshallitbe


    2 years, 4 months ago

    My experience of spirituality shifting wasnt what I expected at all! Exposed to ideologies of enlightenment which sounds like clear blue skies of peace, but never I herd about the night storm before the dawn, the nature of chaos, in hindsight I see the flip side of them both, it’s after the chaos, comes order. my advice is never quit, keep pushing and accept the negative feelings as much as the positive, learn from both, pain is your teacher, constantly eye reminded myself.. what is now wont be later and what is later wont be like now, I’ll ride the wave and accept what is and work towards what will be because interwined and interlinked god has structured it to be in this fashion, like the symbol of duality, those who have had thier eyes opened with tooth picks by God and have had thier mind slamed side to side in their skull, who never quit and seeked beyond have risen beyond that place eventually, they will truly know the process of observation levels are at a high but not before or during.

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