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    • Villupt, I think that the Spirit (eternal immortal energy, Self existent) has Conscience, is not void ( has certain Constituents that affect biochem, electromagnetic , physio., Thoughts); the Soul (thoughts emotions) and physicality ( brain, body) are affected by Spirit.. .when the Pneuma spirit Energy breath departs. the brain also then dies: the Brain is not predominant, the Spirit is

      The Spirit enables Physicality ; Consciousness is Conscience, Awareness and Eternal energy ( is not solid -we cant perceive it ,tangibly)

      • Yes Reshma, the nature of spirit is just the live in Brahman ( the eternal one) and very subtle energy beyond physicality. But the arrangement of body gross body, subtle body, causal body, and cosmic body enable us to access the supremacy by the either way; meditation, Bhakti, karma marga or any other way. The source is one ultimately.

        • True that
          the “body” and “it’s Unique spirit soul” are unique of each Sentient being and there is Predominance of Spirit.

        • I think that the more Spiritual take Meditation , the Spirit’s capability to influence with least physical involvement

        • The “spirit soul” when existent in any level upon earth planets will be perceived ( It will have some manifested physicality as texture, width, smell. height etc.. :that exhibits Behaviour , Choices, Personality – some perceptible physicality), since that’s a Norm of existence ; a spirit soul cannot exist without a connected physicality ( in some identifiable feature ) .
          . it could exist as Companion spirits within a loved also as spirit only and not cancel identity of the host being ( god’s spirit as existent in some has been perceived, and it then extends out of the host also { from within the host }).
          Some science affirms what pure Spiritualists had experienced already

        • Sharings have rendered Discussions further on , towards more depth.
          often we know some Truths and discussing them facilitates deeper inculcations.

    • Nothing of the physical can make an individual Spiritual; the Spirit essence Conscience and Choice is what Enables Spirituality ( akin essences)



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