Dare to look life in the eye or remain within the false illusion of everything.
Truths are hidden but may be found, hidden for reasons but available for those ready.
Even a juicy looking apple can have worms within it, not to be fooled by appearances.
One cannot force anybody to open thier eyes, nor can they force anybody to understand the dynamics of infinite intelligence, spiritual enlightenment is achieved through god and there are many levels of awakening,
one does not awaken and say I am awake, it’s a constant process through time, there are levels to this. -
The ego will say “I did that, if it wasnt for me”
the self recognizes that through the energy of god it was achieved and therefore will say “because of god, the universe, it happened” - Load More Posts
About Me
Stuart Bedford
Writer/ Singer-Songwriter
Okay... so...
Years ago I had an accidental Kundalini awakening and was subsequently sectioned as I went "crazy" - or so they said. Truthfully, mental wards all over the world are filled with those who've had Kundalini awakenings and, not understanding what's happening to them, have acted in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways.
Cut to years later. I was released from the funny farm and sent on my merry way. Believing myself to be ill, to be odd and to be fundamentally broken, I turned to cocaine and fell prey to a savage and debilitating addiction. It's an addiction that only a conscious reconnection with God, through a twelve-step program, was able to break.
So here I am now, awakening for the second time. I'm changing so rapidly that I cannot keep up with it myself. As many of you will know, awakenings of this magnitude isolate you from those around you and I'm finding myself in massive need of soul connections. So here I am!