You’ll find parts of yourself everywhere in nature, everything is interconnected, interwoven like a spiders web, the spider is god energy, learn how to pass through the web alor stay wrapped in the web string of god all comfortable and half dead.
You’ll find parts of yourself everywhere in nature, everything is interconnected, interwoven like a spiders web, the spider is god energy, learn how to pass through the web and stay wrapped in the web string of god.
Understand deeply… everyone is born into bondage, we think to blame him her them or anyone for that matter but truth is the universe has everyone of us in chains and it wont let its grip go because its stubborn and works in algorithms, it’s not impossible to enlighten to the truths but it’s going to taken time patience and strong work ethic to…Read More
What we do today, transforms tomorrow, what we dont do today, tomorrow remains the same. Your choice.
The world is designed in a particular way of functioning, learn the laws of spirit and get into harmony with them and produce good.
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Baby Angel
