As it is. So shall it be. Everything will come to pass, it is the development of your own psyche in which the spiritual diamonds are released.
If you do not self educate and meditate on the information you find, you’ll remain a slave for life, going round in circles like a mouse on a wheel. Why do you think they call it rat race? Because your not really getting anywhere far. You remain a burden for yourself and those you love around you unless you begin to unlock the gateways in your mind.
Everyone is born into mental maze bondage, it’s down to the individual to act and take responsibility and free themselves from fear worry and doubt.
There are things we can change and things we must get into alignment with and accept as truth in order to move forward intelligently.
I would like to hear everyones view and perception on reality within this dimension we call life, feel free to start topics and interact. Spirit warriors on the horizon, join me in an evolution quest.
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