Mistakes are lessons, regrets are lessons, rather than beating your self up, seek within it the diamond ruby unique teaching.
I’m not a part of a church. But I study all things spiritual. I found a video on Facebook that I think is awesome to share. https://fb.watch/m0kx3Quz3c/?mibextid=Nif5oz
Truth and deception are coded Into this realm as a duality, our job is to decode the deception and realize the truth. – this occurs at many levels.
The universe is not going to hand you the truth that easily, and why should it? we must prove worthiness – it takes work. -
I would like to share my experience on spirituality after practicing it as a member of ISKCON for 15 years please connect with me if you wish to speak to me
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Practice not to attack the game, play it by the rules.
Keep your mind in check, dont always believe nor follow fleeting emotions. - Load More Posts
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