One must walk off from the way and take the call to adventure when it appears, when the gateway opens, put your comfort aside and reach to your heighest potential, I’ve seen them stay on the fence for years and watched the dengerate into the abyss with no light, dont let that be you.
There are 3 realms of being, physical, mental and then the spiritual. Combined them together and theres your recipe of major success in oneself.
When one has enough of going in circles in the material world, when they’ve had enough of plessures and desires and unwholesome states, afterwards the spiritual realm is waiting for you to reach out, it has alot to show one.
Viewing the universe from both physical eyes will only reveal so much, connect your spiritual eye as a trinity and deeper things will unveil in time so long enough effort goes in.
The universe will let you get away with things over and over until BAM it all hits one thing after another, leaving you confused and head spun. Ruthless non ethical behaviours will get you wrapped and slammed at some point, dont ever think you can escape the universe because you carnt. Learn its behaviour and get in harmony.
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