Hello!!! I co-own a shop in Bethany, OK! Our shop is based on community with over 98% of the store consisting of local Oklahoma artist and vendors! We are open to all paths and host free events every month! Pleas join us.
Dreams, extremely vivid real visions and blackouts? Obe’s ?
Everything at its basic form is energy, it may look or smell different yet it’s the same thing at its core, when we realize the connectedness of all things.. our mind can unite a litter further.
There are two minds I know of.. one is unclear like unsettled muddy water, the other is clear like shallow water ontop of white gold sand. There is personal behaviour traits to clean and settle before god unshakkles us from the depths of illusions. Continuously purifying.. if one wants to continue moving along the road of awakenment, never make…Read More
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