Just as a computer game, theres levels within the mind, we all have the same mind faculties and we all gotta pass through the garden maze of life. Major growth comes with the study of specific knowedge. Knowledge is information, more information on google, further one can branch.
If you carnt hold it down by yourself, within your own energy, if you need to jump from relationship to relationship then you are currently living within ignorance of yourself. The sun in the sky is 1 not w 2 3 4 5 6 7.
Earth plane is the hall way of mirrored illusions. Very rarely can 1 can make another see, that’s thier job between them and god energy.
Hello. My name is Michael. I’m new to this platform. I’m looking to connect to spiritually minded people. I’m from the Detroit Mi area. To those who live in my area let’s get together.
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About Me
I no longer work for Circle K thankfully! I can not work for any company that values profits more than people! I ravenously search for my true calling & my soul family!!
I am 44 years old, mother of 3 grown children, single, a hopeless romantic & a die hard optimist. After courageously leaving an unhappy/unhealthy 20+year marriage in 2017 which was my one & only identity as traveler on this planet (I got pregnant the 3rd time I had sex & got married at 17years old out of fear). I abruptly realized 2 things after leaving my then husband, 1) I was utterly alone just like everyone in life ultimately & 2) I had absolutely zero idea who I was on any basic level and I knew I would stop at nothing until I figured me out!
I have been on a somewhat pointless quest to answer if not life's great questions than my own humble mysterious vastness. Like All that have undertaken such tasks, with each answer unearthed lay a plethora of new questions.