Emotions are as real as the wind, it comes and it goes.
The universe is the matrix and it trickles down many levels of existence, to navigate precisely without getting lost down dead ends and losing parts of your soul one must seek for self knowledge and knowledge on the true workings and proceedings of this game of life.
The perceieved dark situations in life always arrive with an equivalent seed of light success, through cause and effect this manifest. The issue lays in over emotionality to see clearly.
Western philosophy teach god and devil work as forces against each other, eastern philosophy teach good and bad are one and the same.
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About Me
I no longer work for Circle K thankfully! I can not work for any company that values profits more than people! I ravenously search for my true calling & my soul family!!
I am 44 years old, mother of 3 grown children, single, a hopeless romantic & a die hard optimist. After courageously leaving an unhappy/unhealthy 20+year marriage in 2017 which was my one & only identity as traveler on this planet (I got pregnant the 3rd time I had sex & got married at 17years old out of fear). I abruptly realized 2 things after leaving my then husband, 1) I was utterly alone just like everyone in life ultimately & 2) I had absolutely zero idea who I was on any basic level and I knew I would stop at nothing until I figured me out!
I have been on a somewhat pointless quest to answer if not life's great questions than my own humble mysterious vastness. Like All that have undertaken such tasks, with each answer unearthed lay a plethora of new questions.