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  • God will appear to test you many, many times, god doesnt come as a old man in the sky waving a wand, comes to you silently through any of the people you bump into and the people around you in split.moments.. Once one truly understands this concept and knows where thier soul is at that time they will be observant and able to look through the coding…Read More

  • Learn to listen the the inner yearning of your soul because it doesnt shout.. it whisperssssss. If you’ve spent most of life in the material, learn how the energetic world works and get one with it, god will provide protect and guide if your in alignment with what is.

  • After one has gathered, gained the external experiences and realized that not 1 thing will fill that void we all get from the illusions.. then comes the time to dive within a whole other world within. It’s not a quick road, the same it wasnt quick to get to where you are now in the physical realm.. have patience, never quit and be ready for all t…Read More

  • Just as a computer game, theres levels within the mind, we all have the same mind faculties and we all gotta pass through the garden maze of life. Major growth comes with the study of specific knowedge. Knowledge is information, more information on google, further one can branch.

  • If you carnt hold it down by yourself, within your own energy, if you need to jump from relationship to relationship then you are currently living within ignorance of yourself. The sun in the sky is 1 not w 2 3 4 5 6 7.

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